
Baby has arrived!!

Irving was born at home on Thursday night. Everything went swimmingly, just as it did with Ada almost 4 years ago!! He was born very quickly and easily (for me!) or as easily as a baby can be born x

I feel excellent already, considering I gave birth just under 2 days ago!! And am looking forward to getting back to my old self and working out our new life with 2 kiddies!!

Very surprised baby turned out to be a boy, but very happy and very proud.

Ada is also a very proud big sister. She's been very kind, gentle and helpful over the last two days, but is also being a bit silly at times, wanting attention...I'm sure it'll all balance out. She's also starting school nursery on Wednesday, so she'll be making new friends and coming home tired! and Irving and I and Daddy will have a few hours quiet time (David is off work for 4 weeks! yay!)

So, here he is...

My family x
Big sister Ada x


Leanne Cornelius said...

What a cutie, congratulations!
Good to hear it all went well. x

Leanne - A Slice of My Life

Leanne Cornelius said...

What a cutie, congratulations!
Good to hear it all went well. x

Leanne - A Slice of My Life

Ys said...

Congratulations :)

knittedpineconeland said...

look at tiny Irving! can't believe he's so big already this seems like 2 minutes ago! x