Roller Derby Update

OK, so as I left trainig tonight I was a mess of emotion.

I had been to the Tiger Bay Brawlers Fresh Meat session for a second time as a guest (thanks for having me!) - I will explain why later on - and one of the girls who skated with them is going home to Canada (after 5 years here) and they gave her cakes and a leaving present..she cried,they took photos, I took photos of everyone...and then I left quietly while people carried on chatting...
In the car I was thinking, I wish CRoC could be like that, I feel at home with the CroC girls, I feel like I fit in and that my progress is noticed, I'm supported and generally feel comfortable being me. With TBB all I feel is an outsider! (even though they are all really nice!). But we haven't trained together as CRoC for about a month, either the newbies or the main team, and I miss it, even though I'd only just gotten started!

CRoC are going through some changes, one major one being the training venue. Futsall where we were practitsing 3 times a week shut down with no prior warning for reasons I'm not 100% clear on, to do with land lords, H&S and money to name just a few things!

So, we're homeless and so that is why I've been going to TBB session, so far 2 Fresh Meat sessions and a Sunday mixed skrim - I didn't play of course, but joined in some drills, practised a bit of blocking and had my first experience of NSOing. This was actually really good - I got to learn a few more rules, see the scrimmage close up and pick up tricks and tactics all at the same time...

So back to the car earlier, I was sad that I don't have a group like TBB who are all in it together. I'm sticking with CRoC but I really hope we get things sorted out soon. The team meeting tomorrow means things will have to be shaken up, discussed and a plan of action put into place! I'm looking forward to being part of it!

Go CRoC!

1 comment:

maw said...

Fingers crossed stuff gets sorted soon. Looking forward to training with you again.